Formation of Citrus Canker Lesions
thumbnail image of formation of citrus canker lesions poster.
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PDF-2019 (English)

Palabras clave

citrus canker
citrus nursery
canker lesions

Cómo citar

Burrow, Jamie D., Megan M. Dewdney, Ajia M. Paolillio, y Tim D. Riley. 2019. «Formation of Citrus Canker Lesions: PP346, 3/2019». EDIS 2019 (2).


Citrus canker is a non-systemic bacterial disease that affects citrus trees in both the citrus nursery and in commercial plantings. This poster is designed to assist citrus nursery workers in the identification of citrus canker. This one-page document was written by Jamie Burrow, Megan Dewdney, Ajia Paolillo, and Tim Riley and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department.
view on EDIS (English)
PDF-2019 (English)


Singerman, A. and M. Burani-Arouca. 2018. Harvesting Charges for Florida Citrus, 2017/18. Available at:

USDA-NASS. 2018. Florida Citrus Statistics 2016/17. Available online at:

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