Maximizing Rootstock Seed Production
EDIS Cover Volume 2020 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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How to Cite

Alferez, Fernando, Deived U de Carvalho, Daniel A Boakye, Tim Gast, and Manjul Dutt. 2021. “Maximizing Rootstock Seed Production”. EDIS 2020 (May). Gainesville, FL.


This article covers new appraches to ensure better yields of seeds from highly sought-after rootstocks, including US942 and US897. Since harvesting is done typically in fall, after hurricane season has peaked, chances are that a hurricane can impact seed availability for producing liners. We have developed a sysrem to assess seed maturity, so seeds can be harvested as soon as they are viable; this means harvesting earlier in the year, and hence allowing us to play around hurricane season, increasing seed yield.

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