1. Agriculture/Horticulture

1684 Items

Increasing the sustainability, profitability, and competitiveness of agricultural and horticultural enterprises.


  • 0.1 Animal Systems - Animal and forage mgmt.; Ag and natural resource stewardship; Total quality assurance (live animal and animal products, food safety, animal wellbeing)
  • 0.2 Food Systems - Food systems (processing, distribution, aggregation), farm and facility food safety, small farms and alternative enterprises
  • 0.3 Plant Systems - Commercial agronomic, ornamental, and fruit and vegetable crops
  • 0.4 Integrated Pest Management - Crop protection that focuses on long-term prevention of damage that can be caused by pests and diseases (e.g., biological control, habitat manipulations, modified cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties)
  • 1. Farm economics, entrepreneurship, and management - Assisting farms of all sizes with financing, marketing, management, economic outlook, land acquisition, government programs and policies
  • 2. Citizen awareness of food systems and the environment - Increase public awareness of the value of agricultural lands to the economy and the environment

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