Calibration of Chemical Applicators Used in Vegetables
A nozzle.
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How to Cite

Miller, M. R., and Peter J. Dittmar. 2013. “Calibration of Chemical Applicators Used in Vegetables: HS1220, 5/2013”. EDIS 2013 (5).


Calibration is the process used to determine the amount of chemical material applied per unit area. Equipment for applying liquid and dry materials must be accurately calibrated for pesticides to work efficiently and to avoid crop injury or death. The pesticide label is a legal document and must be followed. Properly calibrating equipment ensures the product is being applied as specified on the label and that environmental contamination will be minimized. This 6-page fact sheet discusses some methods for calibration of sprayers and dry material spreaders and includes information about calibration to help growers properly apply pesticides. Written by M. R. Miller and P. J. Dittmar, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, May 2013.
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