Seed Piece Spacing Adjustment for Florida Chipping Potato
A Florida potato field
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plant population
economic analysis
production costs

How to Cite

Krupek, Fernanda Souza, Steven A. Sargent, Peter J. Dittmar, and Lincoln Zotarelli. 2018. “Seed Piece Spacing Adjustment for Florida Chipping Potato: HS1317, 5/2018”. EDIS 2018 (3).


Seed spacing directly affects crop revenue because the number of potato seeds planted determines the final plant population density. The analysis presented in this 5-page publication was extracted from a series of field trials that looked at improved potato plant arrangement in the field by adjusting seed piece spacing for Florida growing conditions. Written by Fernanda Souza Krupek, Steven A. Sargent, Peter J. Dittmar, and Lincoln Zotarelli and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, May 2018.
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Bohl, W.H., J.C. Stark, and C.S. Mcintosh. 2011. "Potato seed piece size, spacing, and seeding rate effects on yield, quality and economic return." Amer. J. Potato Res. 88: 470-478.

Krupek, F.S., C.T. Christensen, C.E. Barrett, and Zotarelli, L. 2017. "Seed piece spacing for spring chipping potato cultivars in Florida." HortScience, 52: 230-235.

Potato Statistical Yearbook. 2017. National Potato Council. Retrieved from (Accessed 03 Feb. 2018).

The Maine Potato Lady. "Ordering information - Shipping charts." 12 Feb 2018. Retrieved from

Zotarelli, L., P.J. Dittmar, P.D. Roberts, and S.E. Webb. 2016. "Potato production," p. 233-251. In: Vegetable production handbook of Florida, J. Dittmar, J.H. Freeman, and G.E. Vallad (eds.). Lincolnshire, IL: Vance Publishing.

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