Vol. 2005 Núm. 12
New Publications 9/30/2005 through 10/20/2005

New and revised EDIS publications that have been released to the public between September 30th and October 20th, 2005.

Anna Osiecka, Jarek Nowak, Alan Long
Primer on Chemical Vegetation Management in Florida Pine Plantations: CIR 1477/FR160, 5/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Robert Swett, Charles Sidman, Timothy Fik, Bill Sargent
Florida’s Vessel Title Registration System as a Source of Boat Locations and Characteristics: A Case Study in Lee and Manatee Counties: SGEF-148/SG06501, 7/2004
PDF-2004 (English)
West Coast Inland Navigation District, Florida Sea Grant, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Contact)
The Regional Waterway Management System: A Tool for Balancing Coastal Resource Use and Protection: SGEF-161/SG067, 2/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Robert Swett, Susan Fann
A Survey of Stakeholders to Determine Florida Sea Grant's 2006-2009 Programmatic Objectives for Coastal Communities and Water-Dependent Businesses: TP-149/SG068, 9/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Elizabeth Swiman, Mark Hostetler, Martin Main, Sarah Webb Miller
Living with Alligators: A Florida Reality: WEC 203/UW230, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
George J. Hochmuth, Robert C. Hochmuth, Steve Kostewicz, William Stall
Row Covers for Commercial Vegetable Culture in Florida: CIR728/CV201, rev. 9/2018
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2018 (English)
Gary W. Knox, Rick Schoellhorn
Hardy Hibiscus for Florida Landscapes: ENH999/EP245, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Keith R. Schneider, Renée M. Goodrich, Michael J. Mahovic, Rajya Shukla
Preventing Foodborne Illness: Shigellosis: FSHN0517/FS128, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Keith R. Schneider, Renée M. Goodrich, Michael J. Mahovic, Rajya Shukla
Preventing Foodborne Illness: Norovirus: FSHN0518/FS129, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Gerald Sigua, Keith R. Schneider, Renée M. Goodrich, Michael J. Mahovic, Rajya Shukla
Preventing Foodborne Illness: Cyclospora cayetanensis: FSHN0519/FS130, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Renee M. Goodrich, Keith R. Schneider, C. D. Webb, Douglas L. Archer
Agroterrorism in the U.S.: An Overview: FSHN0521/FS126, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
George J. Hochmuth, Robert C. Hochmuth
Greenhouse Manufacturers and Suppliers: HS1020/HS255, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Jeanmarie M. Mitchell, Daniel J. Cantliffe
The Effects of the 2004 Hurricane Season on Greenhouse Vegetable Production in Florida: HS1021/HS286, 8/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Respirators for Pesticide Applications: PI-77/PI114, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Scott Adkins, Tom Zitter, Tim Momol
Tospoviruses (Family Bunyaviridae, Genus Tospovirus): PP-212/PP134, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Randy B. Brown
Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation -- Pointers for Coaches and Contest Officials: SL226/SS446, 7/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
R. M. Muchovej, Edward A. Hanlon, Monica Ozores-Hampton, Sanjay Shukla, Fritz M. Roka, H. Yamataki, I. Ezenwa
Sugarcane Production in Southwest Florida: Mineral Soils and Amendments: SL 230/SC073, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Kenneth A. Langeland, M. J. Meisenburg
Natural Area Weeds: A Property Owner's Guide to Melaleuca Control: SS-AGR-96/AG241, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Martin B. Adjei, Richard Sprenkel, Jim Selph
Management of Spittlebugs in Limpograss Pasture: SS-AGR-106/AG242, 10/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Jack C. Comstock, Robert A. Gilbert
Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Disease: SS-AGR-256/SC074, 9/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Brent A. Sellers, Jason A. Ferrell
Managing Bahiagrass in Hybrid Bermudagrass Pastures: SS-AGR-257/AG243, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Seth Bybee
Dragonflies and Damselflies (Insecta: Odonata): EENY355/IN632, 8/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Albert E. Mayfield, John L. Foltz
Black Turpentine Beetle, Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae): EENY-356/IN636, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Jamba Gyeltshen, Amanda Hodges
Citrus Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): EENY-357/IN633, 9/2005
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2005 (English)
Rodney L. Clouser
Issues at the Rural-Urban Fringe: Land Use -- Agricultural Districts: FE555/FE555, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Hydrocarbon Fumigants: PI-71/PI108, 9/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Miscellaneous Organic Fungicides: PI-72/PI109, 9/2005
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Frederick M. Fishel
Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Phosphorous and Sulfur Fumigants: PI-73/PI110, 9/2005
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Frederick M. Fishel
Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Coumarin and Indandione Rodenticides: PI-76/PI113, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Miscellaneous Rodenticides: PI-78/PI115, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Specifically Regulated Pesticides in Florida -- Aldicarb: PI-74/PI111, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)
Frederick M. Fishel
Specifically Regulated Pesticides in Florida -- Bromacil: PI-75/PI112, 10/2005
PDF-2005 (English)