Guava is a popular subtropical fruit tree grown commercially in south Florida. Production is affected by multiple diseases of different origin. This guide provides information about the most common diseases, including disease biology and management. Written by Romina Gazis, Jonathan Crane, and Jeff Wasielewski, and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, revised April 2024.
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Nogueira Júnior, A. F., I. H. Fischer, C. A. Bragança, N. S. Massola Junior, and L. Amorim. 2016. “Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae Species That Cause Stylar-End Rot of Guavas and Characterization of the Disease Monocycle.” European Journal of Plant Pathology 144:271–287.
Pandey, R. R., D. K. Arora, and R. C. Dubey. 1997. “Effect of Environmental Conditions and Inoculum Density on Infection of Guava Fruits by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.” Mycopathologia 137 (3): 165–172.
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Prakash, O. M., and B. K. Pandey. 2005. “Current Scenario of Guava Diseases in India and Their Integrated Management.” I International Guava Symposium 735:495–505.
Rahman, M. A., T. H. Ansari, M. B. Meah, and T. Yoshida. 2003. “Prevalence and Pathogenicity of Guava Anthracnose with Special Emphasis on Varietal Reaction.” Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.
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Rayachhetry, M. B., T. K. Van, T. D. Center, and M. L. Elliott. 2001. “Host Range of Puccinia psidii, a Potential Biological Control Agent of Melaleuca quinquenervia in Florida.” Biological Control 22 (1): 38–45.
Sanagorski, L., A. Trulock, and J. A. Smith. 2013. “Armillaria Root Rot (Also Known as Mushroom Root Rot, Shoestring Root Rot, Honey Mushroom Rot): ENH1217/EP478, 7/2013.” EDIS 2013 (8).
Sanahuja, G., P. Lopez, A. J. Palmateer, and A. R. Chase. 2018. “Red Rust of Neoregelia Bromeliads Caused by a Parasitic Alga Cephaleuros parasiticus in Florida.” Plant Health Progress 19 (1): 27–33.

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