Prioritizing Extension Resources Using Perceived Importance and Satisfaction: An Underutilized Approach
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Importance-performance Analysis series

Cómo citar

Warner, Laura A. Sanagorski, y Anil Kumar Chaudhary. 2020. «Prioritizing Extension Resources Using Perceived Importance and Satisfaction: An Underutilized Approach: AEC588/WC250, 5/2016». EDIS 2016 (5):3.


This is the first article in a series of three on using Importance-performance analysis to prioritize Extension resources. Importance-performance analysis, or IPA, measure how people feel about certain chracteristics of a place, issue, or program. Extension professionals can use IPA to make decisions and prioritize resources by understanding how clients rate the importance of and satisfaction with specific attributes of a program or facility. This three-page fact sheet explains IPA and how to use it. Written by Laura A. Warner and Anil Jumar Chaudhary and published by the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

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