Summer Squash Production in Miami-Dade County, Florida
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Seal, Dakshina R., Shouan Zhang, Monica Ozores-Hampton, Peter J. Dittmar, Yuncong Li, Waldemar Klassen, Qingren Wang, y Teresa Olczyk. 2020. «Summer Squash Production in Miami-Dade County, Florida: HS-861/TR012, Rev. 4/2016». EDIS 2016 (5):16.


Summer squash is an important vegetable crop in Miami-Dade County. It is grown annually on about 6,000 acres and sold nationwide during the winter in the fresh market. This 16-page fact sheet describes the varieties of summer squash, land preparation and transplanting, what fertilizer to use, irrigation and freeze protection, disease management, insect management, weed management, harvest, and crop rotation. Written by D. Seal, S. Zhang, M. Ozores-Hampton, P. Dittmar, Y. Li, W. Klassen, Q. Wang, and T. Olczyk and published by the Horticultural Sciences Department.

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Hochmuth, G., D. Maynard, C. Vavrina, E. Hanlon, and E. Simonne. 2012. Plant Tissue Analysis and Interpretation for Vegetable Crops in Florida. (HS964). Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Johnson, J. 1936. Tobacco streak, a virus disease. Phytopathology 26: 285.

Uchida, R. 2000. "Recommended Plant Tissue Nutrient Levels for Some Vegetable, Fruit, and Ornamental Foliage and Flowering Plants in Hawaii." In J. A. Silva and R. Luchida (Eds). Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii's Soils, Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Menoa. http://www.

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