Common Hazards to Consider During Manufacturing of Feed for Beef and Dairy Cattle
Dairy cows feeding at a trough inside a shelter
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Palabras clave

hazard analysis

Cómo citar

Langford, Taylor, Matthew J. Hersom, Luiz Ferraretto, Antonio Faciola, Chad Carr, y Jason M. Scheffler. 2018. «Common Hazards to Consider During Manufacturing of Feed for Beef and Dairy Cattle: AN343, 3 2018». EDIS 2018 (2). Gainesville, FL.


This 6-page document provides a list of common hazards to consider in the manufacturing of cattle feeds. It discusses the importance of preventing hazards, methods of prevention, and common physical, biological, and chemical hazards. Written by Taylor Langford, Matthew Hersom, Luiz Ferraretto, Antonio Faciola, Chad Carr, and Jason Scheffler, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, March 2018.
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PDF-2018 (English)


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