How many meals should I eat each day?
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food groups
older adult

How to Cite

Dahl, Wendy, and Zainab Alyousif. 2018. “How Many Meals Should I Eat Each Day? FSHN17-18/FS313, 8/2018”. EDIS 2018 (4).


For older adults who want to stay healthy, it’s a common question. Should I eat three meals a day or is two meals adequate? Also, should I eat snacks between my meals? For healthy older adults, the number of meals may not matter as much as the total food eaten in a day. It is the nutritional quality of your meals and snacks and the total calories eaten that are most important. Aiming to meet the recommended servings of food groups, i.e. fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy will help promote good health and prevent illness.
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USDHHS and USDA. 2015. "2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition."

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