Bacterial Blight of Ficus elastica Caused by Xanthomonas
Xanthomonas blight on F. elastica.
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Campoverde, E. Vanessa, y Aaron J. Palmateer. 2013. «Bacterial Blight of Ficus Elastica Caused by Xanthomonas: PP305, 4/2013». EDIS 2013 (5).


In the summer of 2010, leaf blight cases were reported on several Ficus elastica cultivars in Homestead nurseries. Symptoms somewhat resembled those caused by Xanthomonas campestris p.v. fici, but this pathogen has never been reported to occur on Ficus elastica. The outbreak was severe, and the majority of commercial producers in the southern portion of the state were affected. The widespread outbreak from 2010 to date has caused many nurseries to lose entire Ficus elastica crops. This 3-page fact sheet describes the symptoms and disease management recommendations. Written by E. V. Campoverde and A. J. Palmateer, and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, April 2013.
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Campoverde, E. V., and A. J. Palmateer. 2011. “A Severe Outbreak of Xanthomonas on Ficus elastica in South Florida.” Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 124: 321–322

Chase, A. R., and R. W. Henley. 1993. “Susceptibility of Some Ficus Species and Cultivars to Xanthomonas.” Southern Nursery Digest 27 (6): 20–21.

Chen, J., R. J. Henny, and D. B. McConnell. 2002. “Development of New Foliage Plant Cultivars.” In Trends in New Crops and New Uses, edited by J. Janick and A. Whipkey, 466–472. Alexandria, VA: ASHS Press.

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