Double Cropping Vegetables Grown with Plasticulture in Florida in the BMP Era
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Simonne, Eric, y George Hochmuth. 2003. «Double Cropping Vegetables Grown With Plasticulture in Florida in the BMP Era: HS908/HS165, 1/2003». EDIS 2003 (4).


This publication is one of a series entitled Fertilizer and Irrigation Management in the BMP Era. This series is divided into nine principles described in the Introduction Chapter (HOS-897). This publication is part of Principle 4, "Practice Year-Round Nutrient Management Fertilizer." BMP implementation requires a global approach to production management. However, for presentation purposes, each aspect of vegetable production is described in a separate publication. This document is HS908, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: January 2003.
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