How Are Our Future Agriculture and Natural Resources Projected under Varying Climate?
Storm rising over a farm.
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How to Cite

Her, Young Gu, Ashley Smyth, Zachary Brym, and Elias Bassil. 2020. “How Are Our Future Agriculture and Natural Resources Projected under Varying Climate? AE545/AE545, 09/2020”. EDIS 2020 (6).


This 8-page article explains how agriculture and natural resources may respond to projected future climate and how climate projections can be useful in developing management plans for the improved sustainability of Florida’s agriculture and natural resources. It also aims to help increase the public awareness of climate change impacts on Florida and improve understanding of the connections among climate, agriculture, and natural resources. Written by Young Gu Her, Ashley Smyth, Zachary Brym, and Elias Bassil, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, September 2020.
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