Effective and Economical Psyllid Spray Programs
EDIS Cover Volume 2016 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Citrus greening
HLB Management

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Stansly, Phil. 2016. “Effective and Economical Psyllid Spray Programs”. EDIS 2016 (December). Gainesville, FL. https://ojs.test.flvc.org/edis/article/view/88554.


Effective control of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) has been a challenge for many Florida growers these last two years. Possible explanations include warmer, wetter weather in winter, fewer insecticide sprays being applied and a possible increase in insecticide resistance.

There is little doubt that weather-induced flush the last two winters has provided extra food and refuge for ACP. Furthermore, rain reduces residual insecticide persistence. Both these factors compromise critical dormant sprays.

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