SmartIrrigaiton – Improved Irrigation Scheduling for HLB Affected Citrus Trees



How to Cite

Morgan, Kelly. 2016. “SmartIrrigaiton – Improved Irrigation Scheduling for HLB Affected Citrus Trees”. EDIS 2016 (July).


Irrigation studies in Florida have shown significant water savings for many agricultural crops with improved irrigation methods. Recent citrus irrigation indicate that adequate supply of irrigation water for optimal citrus production of HLB affected trees requires more intensive management of more frequent irrigation but not more water. Weather data and a weather-based equation is used to predict crop water use or evapotranspiration (ET). This estimated ET is used in a simple water balance equation to determine irrigation timing and amounts.Mobile smart devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) have become commonplace in society because of their convenience and ease of use making them ideal for disseminating information on a regular basis with real-time data. The Citrus SmartIrrigation irrigation schedule provided by the app is based on user inputs and site specific weather data, from the closest Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN; weather. evaluation projects at commercial sites indicate a significant water savings of 11 to 24 percent annually. 

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