Bacterial Leaf Spot of Cucurbits
Pseudomonas syringae strains fluorescing under UV light. Credits: K. Fullem.
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Watermelon Diseases
Cucurbit Diseases
Citrullus lanatus
plant disease control
bacterial diseases of plants


How to Cite

Fullem, Kiersten, Mathews L. Paret, and Jeffrey B. Jones. 2024. “Bacterial Leaf Spot of Cucurbits: PP376, 3 2024”. EDIS 2024 (2). Gainesville, FL.


This publication is intended to provide information on the disease bacterial leaf spot of cucurbits, its epidemiology, and management to cucurbit growers in the southeastern United States. Written by Kiersten Fullem, Mathews L. Paret, and Jeffrey B. Jones, and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, March 2024.
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