Effect of Nutrients on Canopy Response and Yield
EDIS Cover Volume 2020 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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How to Cite

Kadyampakeni, Davie Mayeso, Tanyaradzwa Chinyukwi, Alan Wright, and Rhuanito Ferrarezi. 2021. “Effect of Nutrients on Canopy Response and Yield: Macro and Micronutrients”. EDIS 2020 (April). Gainesville, FL. https://ojs.test.flvc.org/edis/article/view/128252.


The development of an efficient nutrition program for citrus trees provide the essential elements required for optimum tree growth and yield. Tree performance is reduced when an essential element is deficient while an excessive amount leads to plant toxicity which hinders overall tree performance. In citrus production, adequate fertilization rates help improve tree growth and fruit yield. This article highlights a study done to evaluate the effect of varied fertilization rates of K, Ca, Zn and Fe on tree growth and fruit yield.

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