Herbicidas Postemergentes para Uso en Ornamentales
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Nursery Weeds
Pesticides (en espanol)

How to Cite

Camoverde, Elizabeth Vanessa, Stephen Christoper Marble, and Jeffrey G. Norcini. 2020. “Herbicidas Postemergentes Para Uso En Ornamentales: ENH95-S/EP533, 10/2016”. EDIS 2016 (9):5. https://ojs.test.flvc.org/edis/article/view/128065.


This is the Spanish language version of ENH95/WG095 Postemergent Herbicides for Use in Ornamentals http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/wg059 Postemergent herbicides are applied directly to weeds. This 5-page fact sheet is largely comprised of two tables: Table one lists postemergent herbicides that can be safely used over the top of some ornamentals when used according to label directions; table 2 lists postemergent herbicides that are registered for use around ornamental plants when applied as a directed spray. Written by E. Vanesssa Campoverde, Chris Marble, and Jeffrey G. Norcini and published by the Environmental Horticulture Department. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep533

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