Strategies for Communicating Climate Change to Extension Audiences
Rivers and lakes overflowing after a severe storm or hurricane hits. (UF/IFAS photo: Marisol Amador)
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Climate Change


How to Cite

Layman Bode, Claire, Martha C. Monroe, and Mark A. Megalos. 2017. “Strategies for Communicating Climate Change to Extension Audiences: FOR333 FR402, 1 2017”. EDIS 2017 (2). Gainesville, FL:5.


This publication is second in a series on climate change communication for Extension professionals. This 5-page fact sheet provides strategies for overcoming challenges in communicating about climate change.­ Written by Claire Needham Bode, Martha C. Monroe, and Mark Megalos, and published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, January 2017.

FOR333/FR402: Strategies for Communicating Climate Change to Extension Audiences (
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