Beyond ‘Earlygold’: Juice Color and Quality of Additional Early-Maturing Sweet Orange Selections
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How to Cite

Castle, William S. 2013. “Beyond ‘Earlygold’: Juice Color and Quality of Additional Early-Maturing Sweet Orange Selections: HS1209, 1/2013”. EDIS 2013 (1).


This publication summarizes 5 years of juice quality information about 15 early-maturing sweet orange selections introduced to Florida and evaluated after ‘Earlygold’ became available. The trees were grown at a central Florida and Indian River location for about 10 years. Also presented are observations on tree development summarized across both locations and two rootstocks. This 8-page fact sheet was written by William S. Castle and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, January 2013.
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Castle, W. S., and J. C. Baldwin. 2011. "Young-Tree Performance of Juvenile Sweet Orange Scions on Swingle Citrumelo Rootstock." HortScience 46 (4): 541-552.

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Fellers, P. F. 1990. "Florida's Juice Standards for Grades and Their Differences from United States Standards for Grades and United States Food and Drug Administration Standards of Identity." Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103: 260-265.

State of Florida Department of Citrus. 2010. "Official Rules Affecting the Florida Citrus Industry." 2010.

Graham, J. H. 2001. "Varietal Susceptibility to Citrus Canker: Observations from Southern Brazil." Citrus Ind. 82 (6): 15-17.

Grosser, J. W. 2010. "'Valquarius.'" New Varieties Development and Management Corporation.

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