2012 Florida Constitutional Amendment 11: Additional Homestead Exemption; Low-Income Seniors Who Maintain Long-Term Residency on Property; Equal to Assessed Value
Voters at a Polling Station.

How to Cite

Clouser, Rodney L. 2012. “2012 Florida Constitutional Amendment 11: Additional Homestead Exemption; Low-Income Seniors Who Maintain Long-Term Residency on Property; Equal to Assessed Value”. EDIS 2012 (7). https://ojs.test.flvc.org/edis/article/view/119916.


2012 Florida Constitutional Amendments series

Amendment 11: Additional Homestead Exemption; Low-Income Seniors Who Maintain Long-Term Residency on Property; Equal to Assessed Value (FE912)

In addition to 2012 being a presidential election year, Florida voters also will be asked to vote on a number of proposed amendments to their state constitution. Many voters remain either unaware or less informed regarding the effects and impacts of the proposed constitutional amendments. This series of 6 fact sheets was written by Rodney L. Clouser and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, July 2012.



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