Boron Deficiency in Palms
Boron defi ciency of Bismarckia nobilis (Bismarck palm) showing necrosis at two separate times during the development of this leaf.

How to Cite

Broschat, Timothy K. 2011. “Boron Deficiency in Palms”. EDIS 2011 (7).


 Boron Deficiency in Palms (ENH1012/EP264)

Chronic boron deficiency is believed to be caused by soil drying and high soil pH, while temporary deficiency is caused by heavy leaching. It results in a wide array of symptoms, not only among species of palms, but also within a single species. This 5-page fact sheet contains many illustrations to aid in diagnosis and management recommendations. Written by Timothy K. Broschat and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, June 2011.


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