Mineral Concentrations in Grazed Cool-Season Annual Grass Pastures in North Florida

How to Cite

Myer, Bob O., G. Chelliah, Lee McDowell, Nancy Wilkinson, Ann Blount, and Cheryl Mackowiak. 2009. “Mineral Concentrations in Grazed Cool-Season Annual Grass Pastures in North Florida”. EDIS 2009 (10). https://ojs.test.flvc.org/edis/article/view/118234.


AN224, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Bob Myer, G. Chelliah, Lee McDowell, Nancy Wilkinson, Ann Blount, and Cheryl Mackowiak, describes information gained from a mineral study component of four-year grazing study at NFREC Beef Unit, to measure monthly concentrations of selected minerals in forage during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, August 2009.


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