2007 Farm Bill Survey: Characteristics of Southern Producers
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 11 dairy farm image



How to Cite

Clouser, Rodney L., Nathan B. Smith, Michele C. Marra, and James L. Novak. 2007. “2007 Farm Bill Survey: Characteristics of Southern Producers: FE686 FE686, 3 2007”. EDIS 2007 (11). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fe686-2007.


FE686, an 8-page fact sheet by Rodney L. Clouser, Nathan B. Smith, Michele C. Marra, and James L. Novak, describes the demographics and education of participants in the survey, as well as their relative ranking of farm bill goals, their sales and income, past participation in government programs, and land ownership and use. Includes tables and references. Published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, March 2007.



Clouser, Rodney L., and Steve Ford. 1990. A 1990 Farm Bill Survey: Characteristics of Florida Producers Who Participated. Food and Resource Economics Extension Notes EN 19. Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (April).

Lubben, Bradely D. 2006. National Agricultural, Food and Public Policy Preference Survey Database Documentation. Department of Agricultural Economics. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (May).

Lubben, Bradley D., Nelson L. Bills, James B. Johnson, and James L. Novak. 2006. The 2007 Farm Bill: U.S. Producer Preferences for Agricultural, Food, and Public Policy. Publication Number 2006-01, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, IL (September). http://www.farmfoundation.org/projects/documents/2007FarmBillProducerSurveyFINAL.pdf.
