Competitiveness of the Spanish and Dutch Greenhouse Industries With the Florida Fresh Vegetable Industry



How to Cite

Cantliffe, Daniel J., and John J. Vansickle. 2003. “Competitiveness of the Spanish and Dutch Greenhouse Industries With the Florida Fresh Vegetable Industry: HS918/CV284, 5/2003”. EDIS 2003 (9).


This document is HS918, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: May 2003.


Calatrava-Requena, J., R. Canero and J. Ortega. A Productivity and Cultivation Cost Analysis in Plastic Covered Horticulture: Results from a Paneled Sample of Greenhouses at the Nijar (Almeria) Area. Poster presentation at the International Symposium on Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates: Current Trends for Sustainable Technologies. Cartegena, Spain. March 7 - 11, 2000.

Costa, J.M. and E. Heuvelink. 2000. Greenhouse Horticulture in Almeria (Spain: Report on a Study Tour 24-29 January 2000). Horticultural Production Chains Group. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Pp. 119.

Florida Agricultural Statistics Service. Vegetable Summary 1998-99. April, 2000.

Lightfoot-Brown, S. 2000. Horticulture Study Tour to Southern Spain, 14-21 March, 2000.

Smith, Scott A. and Timothy G. Taylor. Production Costs for Selected Florida Vegetables 1997-98. Univ. FL Econ. Info. Report EI 99-3. August 1999.

Martinez, Pedro-Florián. 1999. An Overview of the Southern European Greenhouse Industry. 21st Annual Canadian Greenhouse Conference. Oct. 27, 1999., University of Guelph. 23 pages total.

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