Sugarcane Cultivar Descriptive Fact Sheet: CPCL 02-6848 and CPCL 05-1201
An agronomist taking notes in a sugarcane field
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disease resistance

How to Cite

Sandhu, Hardev, and Wayne Davidson. 2018. “Sugarcane Cultivar Descriptive Fact Sheet: CPCL 02-6848 and CPCL 05-1201: SS-AGR-419/SC104, 3/2018”. EDIS 2018 (2).


CPCL 02-6848 and CPCL 05-1201 are emerging sugarcane cultivars in Florida. Both cultivars were released commercially in 2012 and were quickly adopted by local sugarcane growers because of high yields and moderate to high resistance against major sugarcane diseases in Florida. This 4-page fact sheet provides basic information and yield and disease information to assist growers in management of these cultivars. Written by Hardev Sandhu and Wayne Davidson, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, March 2018.
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Edmé, S. J., R. W. Davidson, D. Zhao, J. C. Comstock, H. S. Sandhu, B. Glaz, S. Milligan, et al. 2016. "Registration of 'CPCL 05-1201' sugarcane." J. Plant Reg. 10: 14-21.

Sandhu, H. S., B. S. Glaz, S. J. Edmé, R. W. Davidson, D. Zhao, J. C. Comstock, R. A. Gilbert, et al. 2014. "Registration of 'CPCL 02-6848' sugarcane." J. Plant Reg. 8: 155-161.

VanWeelden, M. T., S. Swanson, W. Davidson, and R. W. Rice. 2017. "Sugarcane variety census: Florida 2016." Sugar J. 80: 12-24.

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