About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Florida Geographer is the official publication of the Florida Society of Geographers. The journal will made the transition in 2011 from a hard copy to open-access on line publication. The Editor encourages topics on all aspects of physical, human and applied geography. There is a preference for topics with a focus set in Florida, but national and international research by geographers based in Florida is also considered as well as articles focused on geographic education.
Manuscripts and all other submissions are solicited on an on-going basis. Currently, The Florida Geographer, is published once per year, usually late in the Fall semester. Deadline for submissions is approximately August 15.
Types of Submissions Now Accepted
The Florida Geographer is now accepting several types of submissions for publication: peer-reviewed manuscripts, geographic essays, “My Favorite Florida Place”, book reviews, review articles of current literature, and illustrative submissions.
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts
The Florida Geographer will publish peer reviewed articles based on geographic research—either about Florida (or some place or topic in Florida), or work by Florida-based geographers examining places or phenomena outside the Sunshine State. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the Editor.
"My Favorite Florida Place"
The Florida Geographer is now accepting short geographic essays called "My Favorite Florida Place". The aim is to capture the essence of a Florida place in 700 words or less. Photographs my be included. Essays may be written in first person, or not. You may include facts about this small piece of Florida and combine them with personal observations. You can also connect this place to a broader constellation of places, or tell us why it is unique. No need for references.
Book Reviews
The Florida Geographer will accept book reviews. Books reviewed can be from any area of the geographer’s arena. The University Press of Florida publishes a range of Florida titles every year that might be good to review in the pages of the Florida Geographer, but you might consider other geography-related publications. Please contact the editor beforehand , who may be able to access book copies that the writer may have difficulty accessing. See the AAG Review of Books for models.
Review Articles of Current Literature
Significant review articles of selected research domains of interest to geographers will be considered for publication.To graduate students in particular, this is an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of both the historic arc of scholarship in a particular area of inquiry and the current literature in that field. Please contact the editor for further discussion.
Illustrative Submissions
Illustrative submissions, such as maps generated in ArcGIS, satellite imagery, etc will be accepted for publication. Please also submit a brief description/explanation of your imagery in a separate Word document, with references, if applicable. One of these submissions may be considered for the cover of the next issue.
Electronic submissions are required in WORD format Authors should submit all tables and figures electronically embedded within the document, in JPEG, or in gif format; tables may also be submitted in Excel format. Please include the figure (table) number and title, which should be centered at the top of each figure (table) and the source, which should be left flush below the figure (table). Figure (table) numbers and titles should not be in all caps. Headings, paragraphs, and references should be in a consistent format. The references section should conform to MLA style. In-text citations should be used; footnotes will not be accepted. Endnotes should only be used sparingly. E-mail submissions are preferred if the file size of the submission permits, however, CD submissions by regular mail are also accepted by the Editor. Once submissions are accepted, authors will work directly with the Production Editor to make sure the paper, bibliography, graphics etc. are in an acceptable format for publication.
Peer Review Process
Articles will be reviewed by both the editor and one or more blind anonymous reviewers.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The Florida Society of Geographers.
The Florida Society of Geographers was chartered in 1964 as a non-profit organization for the purpose of furthering professionalism in geography through application of geographic techniques in all areas of education, government, and business. The Society supports these objectives by promoting acquaintance and discussion among its members and with scholars and practitioners in related fields by stimulating research and field investigation, by encouraging publication of scholarly studies, and by performing services to aid the advancement of its members and the field of geography in Florida. Since 1996 the Florida Geographical Alliance, whose mission is to support geographical education in grades K through 12, has helped support the activities of the Society.
The Society holds meetings once a year. At this meeting, papers and posters are presented and matters of mutual concern to Society members are discussed. Meetings are held in different parts of the state and always include field trips to allow participants to gain first-hand knowledge through field experience.
Persons interested in membership in the Florida Society of Geographers should visit our website or contact:
Dr. Mary Caravelis
Treasurer, Florida Society of Geographers
Barry University
Dept. of History and Political Science
247 O’Laughlin Hall
Miami Shores, FL 33161
Sources of Support
Florida Geographic Alliance