Using the Evolutionary Operation Method to Optimize Gas Absorber Operation


  • Jimmy L. Smart University of Kentucky


The optimization of a gas absorption column (scrubber) provides a convenient tool to introduce the use of the Evolutionary Operation (EVOP) method. The aim of this work is not to specifically identify the overall optimum set of operating conditions for maximizing scrubber performance, but to demonstrate use of the EVOP method. With use of this introductory material, learned principles can be used to optimize results of this study do, however, identify the most favorable packing material and in what direction the optimum will reside for conditions of temperature and scrubber liquor caustic concentration.

Author Biography

Jimmy L. Smart, University of Kentucky

Jimmy Smart is Associate Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Kentucky. He received his BS chemical engineering degree from Texas A&M and his MS and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, all in chemical engineering. He has over 20 years industrial experience with companies such as IBM and Ashland Chemical. His research areas include applications of membranes to purify water supplies and treatment of hazardous wastes.





