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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Typically, the Journal Section you will submit to is "Manuscripts". However, for Class and Home Problems, Teaching Tips, and Lifelong Learning articles, select the appropriate Journal Section from the pull down menu. Include Class and Home Problem, Teaching Tips, or Lifelong Learning at the beginning of the title.
  • The submission file is in pdf format. It is strongly encouraged that line numbers are included at the submission stage so that reviewers can point directly to a line number in their review.
  • The paper has an abstract (which is placed on the first page) of up to 75 words .
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; includes only sections (in boldface caps) and sub-sections (first-letter, boldface caps). All illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate point, with table captions above the table and figure captions below the figure. All captions are to be italicized.
  • Select appropriate and specific keywords according the list mentioned in the Author Guidelines,
  • Your submission (with relevant citations) addresses diversity, equity and inclusion issues within the body of the work, as a separate sub-section of the work or within a letter of submission. (Required for all submissions starting 1/1/21)
  • The default for CEE is a double-blind review. However, this will require you (the author) to remove identifying information on the PDF you submit. If you do not remove identifying information, it is a single-blind review.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found below.
  • Comply with CEE's policy on unpublished references that is mentioned in the Author Guidelines,

Author Guidelines

Focus and Scope:   Chemical Engineering Education (CEE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal serving the needs of the international community of educators in chemical engineering and related disciplines. CEE is the premier archival journal within the field and originated in 1962.

Papers published in CEE must be of interest to chemical engineering and related educators. Thus, papers are expected to focus on teaching chemical engineering, ChE curriculum and courses, ChE students, the future of the field, etc.

CEE accepts a wide-variety of articles types (e.g. general manuscripts, class and home problems, lifelong learning, teaching tips, guest editorials, etc.)   However, all submissions are expected to be scholarly.  Each submission receives an initial review from the Editor, who decides whether the submission is rejected, returned to the author for edits prior to review or moves to review.


Submission Guidelines, Template and Keywords:   To improve workflow and reduce unnecessary delays in the production of articles, CEE requests that all authors read and follow the submission guidelines found at the link below.  The closer the guidelines are followed at submission, the fewer stylistic modifications that need to occur during the post-submission phases.  It is noted that the template includes author affiliation and biographical information.  If you would like the review to be performed in a double-blind manner, the expectation is the author will remove this information from the submission.

Additionally, it would be beneficial to select appropriate keywords for your submission.  To the extent possible, please select from those keywords.  They are located within the Submission Template below.

Submission Template 1.7 (updated 6/21) PDF version

Submission Template 1.7 (updated 6/21) WORD version


For those using EndNote, a CEE style file is available here.  For more information on installing EndNote style files, visit their detailed information page.


Reviewing Interests (keywords):   For those reviewers who are updating their profiles to include/edit their reviewing interests, please choose from the "keywords" list found in the file below (in as much as possible).

Reviewing Interests (keywords) - updated 10/20 - version 1


Types of Submissions

All submissions described below are externally peer-reviewed.

Manuscripts:  These are the most common submission types.  Manuscripts are typically limited to 10 pages (typeset).  A reasonble estimate for the maximum length manuscript the journal would publish with an average number of citations and no figures or tables would be about 7600 words.  For every table, reduce by about 375 words;  for every figure, reduce by about 200 words.   Please use this as a rough guide when planning your submission.

Class and Home Problems:   These submissions typically present scenarios that enhance the teaching of chemical engineering at the undergraduate or graduate level, normally within specific courses.  Submissions should have clearly stated learning objectives.

Lifelong Learning:  These submissions address aspects of lifelong learning for current students, alumni and faculty.  Examples of student and faculty activities that involve industrial practice and engagement, as well as continuing education are welcome.  

Teaching Tips:  These are one-page (typeset), peer-reviewed tips about some aspect of teaching that the readership may find useful and valuable.  Typical submission length is about 600 words (w/o figures or tables).  Figures or tables within a Teaching Tip are used sparingly.  Some references, where appropriate, are common for a Teaching Tip.

Laboratory Feature:  The laboratory experience in chemical engineering education has long been an integral part of the curriculum.  CEE encourages the submission of manuscripts describing innovations in the laboratory ranging from large-scale unit operations experiments to demonstrations appropriate for the classroom.   Typical submissions contain sections such as Introduction, Laboratory Description, Data Analysis, Summary of Experiences and Conclusions.  It is important to address safety issues as well in any laboratory feature.


Other submission options that are not peer-reviewed are as follows:

Book Review:  Typically the CEE Editorial team will identify relevant books to review and contact someone to perform the review.  If you have a book review suggestion, please contact  It is not recommended that an author contact CEE to request a review of their book.

Departmental Profile:   Featured departments focus on those programs that support the journal, typically through subscriptions and CEE Grad Ad purchase.  Departments that fit these criteria are the highest priority, especially if they have not been featured before.

Educator Profile:   Featured educators are selected by the CEE Publications Board.  There is no external nomination process.


Policy on Unpublished References

Authors should comply with CEE's policy on unpublished references: CEE does not have a policy against in-press papers. Occasionally authors want to cite a private conversation with someone but an acknowledgment is more appropriate. Papers submitted to CEE but not yet accepted can be cited in the original manuscript submission provided the author provides a permanent designation when preparing their final draft materials for production. If a paper was submitted but a decision about acceptance is not known when production files are handed off by the author, it should probably be eliminated by the author at that time. (We say probably because in some cases it is clear from the editor's letter that the paper will eventually be accepted). "In-preparation" means nothing; thus, the in-preparation references need to be deleted at time of submission. The authors can state in the manuscript that additional research is being conducted or completed.


Guidelines for Papers Already Published in ASEE or FIE Proceedings


This guideline is for submitting to CEE manuscript that has been published, in part, in another ASEE venue, typically in the conference proceedings. Since ASEE holds copyright to your initial paper (e.g. proceedings), no reprint permissions are required.   CEE publications policy has two relevant requirements for publishing enhancements of papers to ensure clarity in the literature.  First, the initial paper must be cited in the enhanced version.  Second, the author(s) must explain in the introduction specifically how the initial paper has been enhanced.  It is anticipated that at least a third of the enhanced manuscript contains relevant material that was not in the initial paper. This is not meant to be a rigid quantitative requirement but rather a guideline for editors and reviewers.  There is no deadline for submitting an enhanced manuscript. 

Suggestions for Manuscript Enhancement:  The following comments are only pointers and not intended to be comprehensive, but should improve the likelihood that an editor will recommend an enhanced conference paper for publication.  The most obvious enhancement is that new results have been generated, for example, by additional experiments or modeling.  Furthermore, the interpretation of the results may also be expanded.  Questions posed by conference attendees at the time of presentation can often give clues to weaknesses in the presentation, pointing out areas of ambiguity, critical gaps in the data, or questionable conclusions. It may also be appropriate to expand the discussion portion to explain subtleties or clarify the domain of validity of the conclusions.  Other areas for enhancement include providing a more complete list of references and expanding the introduction to explain better why the study was needed. Figure labels and captions may be able to be improved, or new figures may be necessary to better illustrate a point. Removing redundant figures may also be useful. Details of a laboratory design may have been missed. Authors may find these useful as pointers to areas that need additional attention.

Note: These guidelines do not apply to reprinting papers.  The editors of CEE will select papers to be reprinted and will request permission from the authors.  Reprinting will normally be restricted to papers that have won an award such as the Martin award for best ChED paper at the ASEE Annual Conference. Authors should NOT request that a paper be reprinted.


U.S. Notation for Numbers

CEE US Notation
Since most readers of CEE are in the US, CEE uses US notation for numbers.


  1. 1,023,456.09 or 1023456.09 or (showing significant figures) 1.023×106 or 1.023 E06

  2. 0.004649 or 4.649 ×10-3 or 4.649 E-03. Do not mix the ×105 and E05 notations in the same paper.

  3. In a polynomial fit, y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, when showing the equation with the coefficient values, if one of the coefficients is zero the term is not shown. Thus, if a = 1.02, b = 0, c= - 234.5 and d=456 the equation would be shown as y = 1.02x3 – 234.5x + 456

  4. Multiplication of a number times a variable is illustrated in item 3. Multiplication of two numbers is (5.643×10-3)(1.9981×1012) or (5.643×10-3)×(1.9981×1012) or (5.643×10-3)*(1.9981×1012).

  5. For division use y/x or (y – 23)/(2x + 5).

Note: SI units are preferred 



Class and Home Problems

The Class and Home Problems section is intended to present novel and innovative scenarios that can enhance the teaching of chemical engineering topics. Submissions must have clear learning objectives, outcomes, or similar statements. The fit within a typical chemical engineering (or closely related) curriculum should be clear. Problems may represent a new application of fundamental principles, substantive adaptations that enable effective pedagogical approaches, or new non-proprietary applications of software. Manuscripts should follow the same general guidelines as other CEE submissions.

Teaching Tips

This one-page column presents practical teaching tips in sufficient detail that others can adopt the tip. Focus on the teaching method, not content. The column should be maximum 500 words, but subtract 50 words for each figure or table.  Please include "Teaching Tips" in the manuscript title.


Lifelong Learning

This column addresses aspects of lifelong learning for current students, alumni, and faculty. Examples of student and faculty activities that involve industrial practice and engagement as well as continuing education are welcome. These topics may not always lend themselves to the traditional scholarly format with formal assessment and extensive literature review but may be more editorial in nature.

Drawn to Engineering

Only comics by Lucas Landherr.

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