The AIChE Concept Warehouse: A Website Resource for Concept-Based Instruction


  • Milo Koretsky School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2702


 This profile describes the AIChE Concept Warehouse (CW) website, a community developed, web-based tool to decrease instructional barriers and to help faculty implement concept-based active learning in class. The CW provides three distinct but complementary functions: (a) a content repository, (b) an audience response system and learning management system to deliver content, and (c) learning analytics that provide learning data to instructors and researchers. The available content includes Conceptests, Concept Inventories, and more extensive Instructional Tools.

Author Biography

Milo Koretsky, School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2702

Milo Koretsky is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from UC San Diego and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, all in chemical engineering. He currently has research activity in areas related engineering education. His group works on integrating technology into effective educational practices that promote the use of higher-level cognitive and social skills in engineering problem solving and in promoting change towards motivating faculty to use evidence-based instructional practices. A particular focus is on what prevents students from being able to integrate and extend the knowledge developed in specific courses in the core curriculum to the more complex, authentic problems and projects they face in professional practice.





