A better understanding of learner perception of peer assessment through game theory and novel constructs
The statistical effect of institutional prestige on learner perception of peer assessment
Using a cross sectional survey design, learner perceptions of their peer assessment
experiences at institutions of higher education (IHEs) are studied. Guided by game
theory, this study examines if either the IHE’s prestige, the competitiveness, or its
extent of grade inflation has a statistical effect on these peer assessment perceptions.
A Likert scale was used to measure learner perceptions of their peer assessment
experiences and the constructs. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on the
three constructs to confirm their validity. The study found a statistically significant
correlation between institutional prestige and peer assessment perceptions
Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Gene Klein, Dr. Eugene Komaroff, Dr. Ashlee Robertson, Dr. Brian Keintz
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