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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Structure:
    The template file provided by JAHE must be used when preparing a manuscript. Manuscripts shall have the following ordered elements: type of article, title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, body text (introduction… conclusion), acknowledgements, conflicts of interests, and references.
    Failure to submit manuscript files in this format may result in a delay in the review process (no PDFs please).
  • Abstract:
    Each article is required to have a structured abstract of no more than 200 words . The abstract should appear on the article’s title page beneath the paper title, author(s), and institutional affiliations.
  • Keywords:
    Provide 3-4, alphabetically ordered.
  • Manuscript Length:
    Please ensure that your submission manuscript does not exceed the following length guidelines:
    o Articles: 6,000 words max.
    o Book review: 1,500 words max.
    o Commentary: 2,500 words max.
    o Editorials: 1,500 words max.
    o Review articles: 6,000 words max.
    o Short Notes: 2,000 words max.

    •Manuscripts should be single spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and use Arial font style with a sheet size of 8½ by 11.
    •Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word file format (DOC or DOCX).
    •Tables, figures, and images must be uploaded separately in Microsoft Word file format (DOC or DOCX files). Tables and figures must be numbered and an explanatory title must be added.
    • Figures and images must be saved and uploaded using high quality image formats: BMP, TIFF, EPS, JPEG (uncompressed); not GIF or compressed JPEG.
    • Figures and images must be 72ppi.
    • The text of manuscripts and the references need to conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th ed.) Footnotes and hyperlinks are suggested when submitting to the journal. Endnotes are not permitted. APA style requires both in‐text citations and a final references list. For every in‐text citation, there should be a full citation in the reference list and vice versa. When you need to cite two or more works together, arrange the in-text citations alphabetically in the same order in which they appear in the reference list. For details please go to Where available, URLs for the references should be provided.
    • The journal undertakes an anonymous-review process (the identity of the authors is concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa). Include two submissions: one manuscript with title page with author and contact information and one manuscript with all personally identifiable information removed to ensure anonymous review. Self-citations should be kept to a minimum, and citation of any of the authors’ published work must be done in the third person.
  • Supplementary Files:
    Authors may submit supplementary files (eg. images, slides, tables), which will be published as appendices to the work. Supplementary files are limited to a maximum of five pages, and longer supplementary files will only be accepted at the discretion of the journal.
  • Language:
    All submitted articles must be written in English. Both British and American spellings are accepted, as long as one spelling is used consistently throughout the text. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to assure the grammatical correctness of their paper prior to submission. Papers with serious deficiencies in English may be returned without review.

    Accepted manuscripts authored by non-English native speakers must be edited by an English editor in the copy-editing stage. The authors may choose between an independent English editing service, a colleague/peer, or OJS’ own English editing services.
  • Copyright Information, Open Access and Self-Archiving:

    The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education follows an open-access publishing model, meaning that all articles will be publicly accessible on the Internet immediately upon publication. I understand that I may share the submitted manuscript (preprint) of the Submission on the Internet at any point before or after publication, with a citation and link to the final version of record to be added as soon as the issue is available. I may disseminate the final peer-reviewed version at any point after publication.

    The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education applies a Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0.) to encourage sharing and reuse of content and to maximize the impact of published research.

    When submitting your manuscript, please be mindful of copyright laws in the United States and (if outside the U.S.) your home country concerning the use of third-party copyrighted materials. The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education respects the intellectual property of scholars, students, and publishers, and we ask that you secure appropriate permissions or evaluate whether your incorporation of images, figures, charts, quotations, and other materials falls within the scope of fair use/fair dealing.

    If you are incorporating published materials that you have previously authored, be aware that in many cases, your publisher may now own the copyright and you may need to seek permission to reprint your own work.

    The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries provides resources on copyright and fair use, with an emphasis on U.S. Copyright Law:

    By submitting to The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education, the author(s) agree to the terms of the Author Agreement All authors retain copyrights associated with their article contributions and agree to make such contributions available under our Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0) upon publication.
  • Florida OJ Author Agreement - University of Florida

    This agreement takes effect upon acceptance of the Submission entitled ______________ ("Submission") for publication in The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education.

    • I hereby grant to the University of Florida (“the University”) the non-exclusive right to retain, reproduce and distribute the Submission in whole or in part, in print and electronic format and in any medium. This agreement does not represent a transfer of copyright to the University.

    •The University may make and keep multiple copies of the work for purposes of security, backup, preservation and access; and may migrate the work to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation and access.

    •I represent and warrant to the University that the work is my original work and that I have the authority as sole author or I have the authority on behalf of my co-authors to grant the rights contained in this agreement. I also represent that the work does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe or violate any rights of others.

    •I further represent and warrant that I have obtained all necessary rights to permit the University to reproduce and distribute the work, including any third-party material. Alternatively, I represent that my use of any third-party material is allowed because the material is not in copyright or I have performed a fair use analysis and reasonably believe my use is permitted. Any content owned by a third party is clearly identified and acknowledged within the work.

    •I grant these same rights to The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education. Additionally, I grant the right to both the University of Florida and The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education to enter into agreements with third-party entities and the rights necessary to host, print, index and abstract the Submission.

Author Guidelines

The journal accepts the following types of articles for publication:

Article: a paper containing original research results that has not been published elsewhere. Articles shall have a maximum length of 6,000 words.

Book Review: a report which offers a critical analysis of a book based on its content and merit. Book reviews shall have a maximum length of 1,500 words and may only be submitted upon invitation.

Commentary: an opinion piece providing a critical evaluation of a published article or topic of interest to the readership of the journal. Letters to the Editor and replies should be submitted as Commentaries. Commentaries shall have a maximum length of 2,500 words.

Editorial: an opinion piece submitted by an Academic Editor providing an insight into a topic of interest to the readership of the issue. Editorials shall have a maximum length of 1,500 words.

Review Article: a paper which comprehensively sums up the current state of research on a particular topic. Reviews shall have a maximum length of 6,000 words.

Note: a short description of important current research findings, which is more focused and concise than an article. Short Notes shall have a maximum length of 3,500 words.

Prior to submission, please review the mission and scope of this journal to ensure that your work aligns with the journal’s purpose.
• Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Assessment in Higher Education must be submitted through the journal’s online site.
• Manuscripts must be original.
• Research cannot be published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
• There are no article processing or submission charges.

Download the Submission Preparation Checklist here

Download the Document Submission Template here


A short description of important current research findings or methods, which is more focused and concise than an article. Short Notes shall have a maximum length of 3,500 words.


Introduction to the current issue by the Editors or invited author.

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