Butterfly photography in Morocco. Authors G. O. Krizek Keywords: Anthocharis, Aricia, Autographa, Azanus, Carcharodes, Coenonympha, Colotis, Cupido, Euchloe, Euphydryas, Glaucopsyche, Gonepteryx, Hesperiidae, High Atlas, hostplants, Hyponephele, Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Lysandra, Melanargia, Melitaea, Middle Atlas, Nordmannia, Nymphalidae, Pandoriana, Papilionidae, Philotes, Pieridae, Plebicula, Pseudochazara, Pyrgus, Tarucus, Thersamonia, Zegris, Zerynthia, Zizeeria Abstract Morocco, on the boundary between the Palearctic and the tropical African zones, supports the richest butterfly fauna in all of North Africa, with 140 species and subspecies. Discussed and illustrated here are 21 species, including two endemics Downloads PDF Published 1990-05-01 Issue May 1990, Volume 1, Number 1 Section Articles