Efficacy of ABG-9008 against burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) on bananas


  • Douglas H. Marin
  • Kenneth R. Barker
  • Turner B. Sutton


ABG-9008, banana, burrowing nematode, chemical control, DiTera, fenamiphos, Musa spp., Radopholus similis.


DiTera is a biological nematicide of microbial origin with potential for managing several plant-parasitic nematodes in different crops. Efficacy of ABG-9008, an earlier formulation related to DiT-era, to control the burrowing nematode of bananas was evaluated using direct-contact and root-penetration assays, and in a greenhouse test. Nematodes were incubated for 48 hr at 25 C in 112 and 224 mg/ml suspensions of ABG-9008, corresponding to 112 and 224 kg/ha on a broadcast basis. Suspensions at 15 000 and 75 000 mg/ml also were included. Efficacy of ABG-9008 was assessed at the same rates on Radopholus similis-infected banana root segments in microtiter plates. Efficacy of the product was evaluated under greenhouse conditions by applications at day 0 and 5 after inoculation. Water and fenamiphos at 4.65 mg/ml (4.5 kg/ha) were included as standard controls in all experiments. Percentages of mortality in suspensions, which ranged from 16.8 to 24.6%, were not significantly different betwe





