Preliminary Study on Nematode Control in Banana and Plantain Planting Material


  • O. Haddad
  • Julia A. Meredith
  • R. G. J. Martinez


Since 1971 the National Center of Agricultural Research and the Agronomy Faculty of Central University of Venezuela have been especially interested in propagating material of banana and plantain, particularly clons of the Cavendish and plantain subgroups, respectively. An attempt has been made to obtain rhizomes free from damaging plant parasitic nematodes (especially Radopholus, Pratylenchus, and Helicotylenchus) and weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus and Metamasius spp.). Initially the rhizomes were peeled and submerged for 10 min in an aqueous solution of Nemagon (3 cc/1) with Aldrex-2 (10 cc commercial product/1) and then planted in polyethylene bags in sterilized soil. After 3 months the rhizomes were again peeled and immersed in Nemagon 3.5 cc/1 during 1 min. Immediately afterwards they were submersed in a solution of Aldrex-2 10 cc/1 during 10 min and replanted in their respective bags. Nematological studies were realized at 3 and 3 1/2 months after each treatment respectively. Af





