In vitro compatibility studies of Trichoderma harzianum with inorganic fertilizers
M. Shylaja
M. S. Rao
A strain of the biocontrol agent Trichoderma harziaum was tested in vitro for its compatibility with different concentrations of commonly used inorganic fertilizers. Four different inorganic fertilizers viz., urea, single super phosphate (SSP), muriate of potash (MoP) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) were used, each at concentrations of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm. Urea at 1000 ppm and above increased the colony diameter of T. harziaum by 11.1%. MoP increased the growth of the biological control agent at all concentrations tested while SSP and CAN both inhibited it. The inhibition ranged from 8.8% to 13% for SPP and from 11.1% to 71.9% for CAN and increased with the increase in concentration.