Efficacy of placement of aldicarb for the control of stubby root nematodes and corky ring spot disease of potato
S. L. Hafez
P. Sundararaj
Gale W. Harding
Two experiments were conducted in a potato field to study the efficacy of placements of aldicarb for the control of corky ring spot disease and yield of potato. In the first experiment different placements of aldicarb significantly increased total and marketable yield of potato compared to the untreated check. In the second experiment aldicarb applied in the furrow at planting, modified in the furrow at planting or in the furrow at planting, in combination with foliar applications of oxamyl, resulted in the lowest incidence of corky ringspot disease and had the highest total and marketable yields. Aldicarb applied as front of the planter shoe at planting or imidacloprid applied in furrow at planting were less effective than other placements of aldicarb. Yield loss to stubby root nematodes, Paratrichodorus spp., due to corky ringspot incidence ranged from 6 to 55%, and resulted in significant differences in total and marketable yields adjusted for corky ringspot disease.