Nursery management of Meloidogyne incognita by Glomus mossae in eggplant
G. Jothi
R. Sundarababu
Glomus mosseae at different doses was applied in a nursery for the management of Meloidogyne incognita in the field. Seedling vigour and weight were maximum in plots which received 2 kg G. mosseae per m2. The growth parameters, G. mosseae colonization and yield increased in all G. mosseae treated plots and at all doses, but it was maximum at 2 kg G. mosseae per m2. Eggplants treated with carbofuran yielded significantly more fruits than untreated plants. Significant increase in G. mosseae colonization and chlamydospore densities was observed in treated plots. The P content was more in the 2.5 kg per m2 treatment. The gall index was less in all G. mosseae treatments. Transplanting of mycorrhizal seedlings into root-knot nematode infested soil performed better than non-mycorrhizal seedlings both quantitatively and qualitatively.