Efficacy of the antihelminthic antibiotic (KT-199) for the control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) on tobacco
D. Nanje Gowda
K. G. H. Setty
The results show that the antibiotic and phenamiphos, when applied as a soil drench or as a foliar spray, had no adverse effects on the growth of the tobacco plants (Table I) except for leaf scorching when the highest concentration of the antibiotic (1000 ppm) was applied as a foliar spray. The antibiotic as a soil drench significantly increased the root weight of tobacco plants. The antibiotic and the nematicide significantly inhibited development and reproduction of M. javanica in terms of number of galls, egg mass and egg production when compared with control plants (Table II). When comparing soil drench and foliar spray, the foliar spray of either treatment was slightly better in decreasing galling and production of egg mass and eggs. But phenamiphos was slightly better in controlling the nematode when applied as a soil drench compared to the foliar spray. Reddy (1978) reported that foliar spray and soil drench applications of antiamoebin, one week prior to larval inoculation had no deleterious effects on the growth of tomato, but nematode development was inhibited more with foliar sprays than with soil drenches. Finally, as the concentrations of the antibiotic increased, there was a proportionate decrease in the fecundity of M. javanica in both soil drench and foliar spray applications, and the antibiotic at higher concentrations, was more effective than phenamiphos in reducing the fecundity of the nematode.