Ultrastructural response of celery root cells to Longidorus apulus
T. Bleve-Zacheo
G. Zacheo
M. T. Melillo
F. Lamberti
O. Arrigoni
Several authors have reported the presence of numerous lomasomes (paramural bodies) and the deposition of callose during the initial phase of infection by viruses (Kim and Fulton, 1973; Conti et al., 1974; Martelli, 1980), fungi (Ehrlich et al., 1968; Heath and Heath, 1971; Bracker and Littlefield, 1973; Politis and Wheeler, 1973), bacteria (Sequeira et al., 1977; Politis and Goodman, 1978), and nematodes (Huang and Maggenti, 1969; Bleve-Zacheo et al., 1979; Bleve-Zacheo et al., 1980) in plant cells. It has been suggested that callose plugs in the plasmodesmata might be the main factor in the localization of viruses inhibiting their diffusion (Allison and Shalla, 1974; Favali et al., 1978). Large areas of callose have also been observed in response to fungal infections and they appeared to surround completely the haustoria as they grew (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1971; Littlefield and Bracker, 1972; Bracker and Littlefield, 1973; Politis and Wheeler, 1973; Sargent et al., 1973). Callose has also been detected in clover root cells at the sites of infection by Rhizobium sp. (Kumarasinghe and Nutman, 1977), and in strawberry tissues attacked by Ditylenchus dipsaci (Bleve-Zacheo et al., 1980). There is little information about these types of response in plant tissues attacked by nematodes, especially ectoparasitic nematodes. This paper describes the reactions of celery root cells injured by Longidorus apulus.