The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on the growth of olive and in relation to infestations of Rotylenchulus reniformis
T. Badra
M. M. Khattab
The application of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers has been reported by workers to influence nematode damage to crops. In some instances nematode populations were suppressed, e.g. Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus, Heterodera and Tylenchulus (Castaner, 1966; Kurten and Kemper, 1974; Schorok-Fischer and Schwabe, 1973; Scotto La Massese et al., 1973), while in others populations were either unaffected or increased following fertilizer treatments (Balbaeva et al., 1972; Barry et al., 1974; Chawla and Prasad, 1974; McEwen et al., 1973). The experiments described here compared the efficacy of soil and foliar treatments of different forms of mineral nitrogen on the growth of olive and on the numbers of Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford et Oliveira, on this host. Phenolics were also assayed and correlated with nematode susceptibility/resistance.