Rotylenchulus eximius Siddiqi, 1964 (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) in the Canary Islands and Almeria, Spain
A. Bello
E. Geraert
D. Jimenez-Guirado
A Rotylenchus species was found by Bello in soil and root samples from Tamarix gallica L. var. canariensis Willd.; the material was collected in January 1969 near a sublitoral pond in Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands); Jimenez-Guirado found the same Rotylenchus species in soil and roots from Inula erithmoides L. and Arthroenemum sp. collected near the mouth of river Andarax (Almeria, South of Spain) during February, March and April 1973. The Rotylenchus species shows very close resemblances to R. eximius Siddiqi, 1964 described from Tunis; and of which only the females were known. Our material also contained males which are described for the first time; we also compared our females with those described by Siddiqi (1964).