Apionidae from North and Central America. Part 4. Generic classification and introduction to the genus <I>Coelocephalapion</I> Wagner, with new species from Mexico and Venezuela (Coleoptera)
David G. Kissinger
The following subgenera of Apion Herbst are elevated to generic status: Bothryopteron Wagner (type species: Apion grallarium Sharp); Coelocephalapion Wagner (type species: Apion bryanti Wagner); Coelopterapion Wagner (type species: Apion testaceum Wagner); Fallapion Kissinger (type species: Apion impunctistriatum Smith); and Stenapion Wagner (type species: Apion constricticolle Sharp). Twelve areas of apionid rostral sulci and carinae are defined and illustrated. Six new species of Coelocephalapion are described: four similar to C. bryanti (Wagner): jumentum (Panama and Honduras), keletaon (Belize), pelor (Panama), and schema (Panama); and two similar to C spretissimum (Sharp): adhocum (Mexico) and pigrae (Venezuela). C. pilirostre (Wagner), near bryanti, is redescribed from Mexico and Honduras with neotype designation.