The Mantispidae of the West Indies with special reference to the Dominican Republic (Neuroptera: Mantispidae).
Kevin M. Hoffman
Oliver S. Flint, Jr.
Daniel E. Perez-Gelabert
Mantisflies, systematics, distribution, Greater and Lesser Antilles
The Antillean fauna of Mantispidae (Neuroptera) consists of six species in four genera, all in the subfamily Mantispinae. Two new species are here described: Leptomantispa antillesensis Hoffman, n. sp., is described from Puerto Rico, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands (Grand Camanoe, Guana, Tortola), United States Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas), Dominica, and Guadeloupe, and Leptomantispa hispaniolaensis Hoffman, n. sp. is described from Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). Mantispilla zayasi Alayo is synonymized under Leptomantispa pulchella (Banks), new synonomy, and Mantispilla taina Alayo is synonymized under Zeugomantispa minuta (Fabricius), new synonomy. Climaciella cubana Enderlein is recorded for the fi rst time from Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). Dicromantispa sayi (Banks) is newly reported from the Cayman Islands (Cayman Brac and Little Cayman), and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). Zeugomantispa minuta (Fabricius) is now recorded from the Bahamas (Andros) and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic).