0262. Revisión sistemática de Mesolecanium Cockerell de la región Neotropical (Hemiptera: Coccidae), con sinonimia y combinaciones nuevas
Se redescriben e ilustran 14 especies neotropicales incluidas en Mesolecanium Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccidae). Ocho especies: Mesolecanium baccharidis (Cockerell), Mesolecanium impar (Cockerell), Mesolecanium mayteni (Hempel), Mesolecanium nocturnum (Cockerell y Parrott), Mesolecanium obscurum Hempel, Mesolecanium obvius Granara de Willink, Mesolecanium perditum (Cockerell), Mesolecanium planum Hempel, pertenecen a este género, las cuales se incluyen en una clave para separar las mismas. Cinco especies son transferidas: Mesolecanium campomanesiae (Hempel) y Mesolecanium pseudosemen (Cockerell), se transfieren a Magnococcus Granara de Willink como Magnococcus campomanesiae (Hempel) comb. nov. Magnococcus pseudosemen (Cockerell) comb. nov. respectivamente; Mesolecanium jaboticabae (Hempel) se transfiere a Parthenolecanium Šulc, como Parthenolecanium jaboticabae (Hempel) comb. nov.; Mesolecanium batatae (Cockerell) a Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti como, Pulvinaria batatae (Cockerell) comb. nov. y Mesolecanium ferum Hempel a Toumeyella Cockerell como Toumeyella ferum (Hempel) comb. nov. Se sinonimisa a Mesolecanium uvicola Hempel con Coccus longulus (Douglas). Se designan los lectotipos de Mesolecanium impar (Cockerell) y Mesolecanium planum Hempel.Redescriptions and illustrations of 14 neotropical species included in Mesolecanium Cockerell are given. Eight species: Mesolecanium baccharidis (Cockerell), Mesolecanium impar (Cockerell), Mesolecanium mayteni Hempel, Mesolecanium nocturnum (Cockerell and Parrott), Mesolecanium obscurum (Hempel), Mesolecanium obvius Granara de Willink, Mesolecanium perditum (Cockerell), and Mesolecanium planum Hempel, belong to this genus; a key to separate the species is given. Five species are transferred: Mesolecanium campomanesiae Hempel and Mesolecanium pseudosemen Cockerell are moved to Magnococcus Granara de Willink becoming Magnococcus campomanesiae (Hempel) new combination, and Magnococcus pseudosemen (Cockerell) new combination. Mesolecanium jaboticabae Hempel is moved to Parthenolecanium Šulc becoming Parthenolecanium jaboticabae (Hempel) new combination, Mesolecanium batatae Cockerell to Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti becoming Pulvinaria batatae (Cockerell) new combination, and Mesolecanium ferum Hempel to Toumeyella Cockerell becoming Toumeyella ferum (Hempel) new combination. Mesolecanium uvicola Hempel is a new synonym of Coccus longulus Cockerell. Lectotypes for Mesolecanium impar (Cockerell) and Mesolecanium planum Hempel are designated.
Erratum (0262)