The Relationship between Temperature and Development in Globodera ellingtonae
A new cyst nematode species, Globodera ellingtonae, was recently described from populations in Oregon and Idaho. This nematode has been shown to reproduce on potato. Because of this nematode’s close relationship to the potato cyst nematodes, G. rostochiensis and G. pallida, an understanding of the risk of its potential spread, including prediction of potential geographical distribution, is required. To determine the development of G. ellingtonae under different temperatures, we conducted growth chamber experiments over a range of temperatures (10.08C to 26.58C) and tracked length of time to various developmental stages, including adult females bearing the next generation of eggs. Both the time to peak population densities of G. ellingtonae life stages and their duration in roots generally increased with decreasing temperature. Regression of growth rate to second-stage (J2) and third-stage (J3) juveniles on temperature yielded different base temperatures: 6.38C and 4.48C for J2 and J3, respectively. Setting a base temperature of 68C allowed calculation of the degree-days (DD6) over which different life stages occurred. The largest population densities of J2 were found in roots between 50 and 200 DD6. Population densities of J3 peaked between 200 and 300 DD6. Adultmales were detected in soil starting at 300 to 400 DD6 and remained detectable for approximately 500 DD6. By 784 to 884 DD6, half of the eggs in adult females contained vermiform juveniles. Given the similarity in temperature ranges for successful development between G. ellingtonae and G. rostochiensis, G. ellingtonae populations likely could survive in the same geographic range in which G. rostochiensis now occurs.Downloads
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