Diplogasteroides asiaticus n. sp. is Associated with Monochamus alternatus in Japan
Diplogasteroides asiaticus n. sp. is described and illustrated, and its molecular profile and phylogenetic status within the family Diplogastridae are inferred. Morphologically, the new species is characterized by its stomatal structure, a tube-like stoma with three small, rod-like dorsal teeth and two subventral ridges; a spicule clearly ventrally bent at 1/3 from the anterior end; a gubernaculum with a rounded anterior end and sharply pointed distal end in lateral view; nine pairs of genital papillae with an arrangement of ,v1, (v2, v3d), C, v4, ad, ph, (v5, v6, v7), pd.; a short tail spike in males; and a well-developed receptaculum seminis, i.e., the antiparallel blind sacs of the uteri beyond the vulva region and elongated conical tail in females. This new species is morphologically similar to D. haslacheri, but it can be distinguished by the morphology of the somewhat shorter tail in females. D. asiaticus n. sp. shares high sequence conservation with D. andrassyi as there is only one base pair difference in the nearly full length 18S rDNA and seven base pair differences in the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S rDNA. Despite this sequence conservation, the species status of D. asiaticus n. sp. was confirmed using the biological species concept, as D. asiaticus n. sp. and D. andrassyi failed to generate viable F2 progeny in hybridization tests.Downloads
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