Control of the Soybean Cyst Nematode by Crop Rotation in Combination with a Nematicide


  • J. N. Sasser
  • Grover Uzzell, Jr.


An experiment to evaluate the control of soybean cyst nematodes compared 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year nonhost rotations with continuous soybeans (Glycine max) in 0.2-ha plots. In a second 1-year rotation, the plots were planted to soybean or corn (Zea mays) after fumigation in the spring with a split application of 1,3-dichloropropene (748.2 liters/ha). The effects of the nematicide were apparent the first year. Soybean yield was 1,482 kg/ha compared to 233 kg/ha in the untreated plots. In the second year, the highest yielding plants (2,035 kg/ha) were those following 1 year of corn that had been treated the previous year; plants in untreated plots yielded 288 kg/ha. Average yield of soybean following 1 year of corn was 957 kg/ha compared to 288 kg/ha for continuous soybean. In the third year, the effects of the nematicide were still evident. Soybean plants in plots treated the first year, followed by corn, then soybean, yielded 1,044 kg/ha compared to 761 kg/ ha for soybean following 1 year of corn and 991 kg/ha for soybean following 2 years of corn. Plots planted to soybean for 3 consecutive years yielded 337 kg/ha. Nematicidal effects were no longer evident during the fourth year. Yields were most improved by the greatest number of years in the nonhost crop; highest yields in descending order were from plants following 3 years of corn, 2 years of corn, and 1 year of corn. Plots planted to soybean for 4 consecutive years yielded 130 kg/ha. Highly significant negative correlations occurred each year between initial nematode population densities and seed yield. Key words: 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), corn, Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, nematicide, population dynamics, soybean, soybean cyst nematode, Zea mays.





