Management Options for Pratylenchus penetrans in Easter Lily


  • B. B. Westerdahl
  • D. Giraud
  • S. Etter
  • L. J. Riddle
  • J. D. Radewald
  • C. A. Anderson
  • J. Darso


easter lily, lesion nematode, lilium longiflorum, nematicide, nematode, pratylenchus penetrans


Alternatives to reduce or modify nematicide use for minimizing groundwater contamination in Easter lily were explored in two field trials. Alternatives to standard 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) plus phorate injection in the first trial were: (i) delaying applications until after winter rains, (ii) removing roots from planting stock, (iii) 1,3-D via drip irrigation, (iv) a chitin-urea soil amendment, (v) the registered insecticide disulfoton, and (vi) several nonregistered nematicides. None of the treatments equaled the standard treatment. In the second trial, potential benefits of adding a systemic nematicide, oxamyl (OX), or a fungicide, metalaxyl (MX), to the standard treatment were explored. Preplant drip irrigation applications of metam sodium (MS), sodium tetrathiocarbonate (ST), and emulsifiable 1,3-D were evaluated alone and in combination with postplant applications of OX and MX. Several drip-applied treatments performed comparably to the standard treatment with respect to the most important criteria of crop quality, bulb circumference. Metam-sodium in combination with either or both OX and MX, 1,3-D plus OX and MX, and ST plus OX and MX provided the best results.





